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Culturing Abalone Pearls

The culturing process includes the prime selection of abalone ripe for seeding. This process is performed by trained divers, who pick premium abalone with desired mother-of-pearl lustre and quality. 


The animals are then seeded by trained technicians, and tagged for ownership and identification. 


The animals are then relocated to a secure aquaculture lease area and are nurtured for 2 years until the abalone pearl is ready for harvest.


The animals are then harvested. One animal can grow up to 3 pearls. All elements of the animal respected and sold for use, including the meat for eating, the gut for fertilisers, and the shell for various uses.​


The abalone pearls are then graded for their colour, lustre, shape, size, and surface quality. Please refer to the grading menu for more details.

The Black-lip Abalone

The animals used to culture our exquisite Pearls are the Black-Lip Abalone (Halitosis rubra). This includes the tiger lip sub species as pictured.


The Black-lip abalone are found along the Australian coastline from New South Wales to Western Australia.


They are a single ear shaped shell, which graze on weeds and algae to help grow an extremely colourful mother-of-pearl shell, premium for abalone pearl production. 

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